Lifestyle Travels

Floridian Lifestyle

August 24, 2018

‘Life is better at the Beach.’

This quote definitely applies to the Tropical Living in Florida. Wherever you look, you see palm trees, swampland or the ocean. Therefore all the houses either have colors of the sunset (various pinky & peach shades) or reflect the pretty colors of the sea.

I could get really great inspiration for our little townhouse in Austria. Although it’s not quite the same climate and surrounding ? – it’s definitely furnished and styled in a Floridian kind of way – which reflects best the surfer & nature loving outdoor style of my boyfriend and I.

I took quite some pictures for you, to get inspired as well

A typical Floridian House consists only of one story, has about 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a kitchen. The cool thing about them is that thy have a back- and front yard, where quite often it feels like sitting in the jungle. In the late afternoon and especially by dawn you can hear loads of noises from the animals around. ? ? ?  In the backyard you can also see great long vines. And if you look careful, you can find one or another turtle.

Another feature of an Original Floridian House is that they are almost all built with wood – so no concrete, which is why so often so much is destroyed by hurricanes, especially in the older houses. Which has of course changed within the recent years.

I love these kind of houses and this way of living so close to nature with the tropical temperatures, where you can have your showers outdoors or an open fireplace to gather around.

Next week, our lil’ home is being painted on the outside (we currently renovate an old townhouse) and maybe you can now guess which color it’s going to be …


Wie ihr wisst, liebe ich tropische Regionen und so natürlich auch Florida – ein wahres Surferparadies! Ich liebe es, wie die Leute dort leben und mit ihrem ‘Hang loose’-Lifestyle / ihrer Mentalität die Herausforderungen des Tages managen. Egal ob in Flip Flops oder Suit, man merkt hier herrscht ein anderer Lebensstil.

Diesen erkennt man auch an den Häusern und wie ihr vielleicht schon mitbekommen habt, renovieren mein Freund und ich ja gerade unser ‘ur altes’ kleines Reihenhaus, wo so einiges zu machen war und noch immer ist – und deshalb schau ich mich auch immer im Ausland um und bin für jegliche Inspiration offen.

Deshalb diese Fotos heute für euch. Ich nehme mal an, die die mich gut kennen wissen also schon jetzt in welcher Farbe wir unser Haus nächste Woche streichen lassen werden … ? ?



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